Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What to eat Wednesdays - Carrot cake

This was a new recipe for me. I'm not a huge carrot cake fan, preferring chocolate, banana or Feijoa and apple yoghurt crumble cake, but Paul likes carrot cake the best so I thought I'd give it a go. 

It was much easier to make than I thought it would be. 

This recipe from The Best of Annabel Langbein made it a breeze to whip up a sweet treat for my husband, which he declared was delicious.


  1. Preheat oven to 160°C. 
  2. In a food processor place 1 cup oil (I used a mixture of flaxseed oil, olive oil and canola oil), 2 cups raw or white sugar and 4 small eggs. Blitz to combine. 
  3. Add 1 cup each of wholemeal flour and plain flour, 1/4 tsp salt, 2 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp each of mixed spice and ginger and 3 cups grated carrot. Blitz just to combine. 
  4. Fold in 2 tsp baking soda dissolved in 1 Tbsp orange juice. 
  5. Bake in a 23-25 cm cake tin at 160°C for 55 minutes, or until a skewer comes out clean. (I had to bake for 1 hour 10 minutes.) 

Ice with cream cheese icing
In a food processor place 75g soft butter, 250g cream cheese (not spreadable), juice and finely grated rind of 1 lemon, 4 cups icing sugar. Mix together until smooth. Cool to a spreadable consistency then spread over cake. Decorate with extra lemon rind.


  1. Sounds delicious!! Will have to try it! I have the most fabulous carrot cake recipe, we must compare notes xox. Loving your blog, I think you are amazing that you even have time to come up with such sheer brilliance!! Maybe one day when I grow up I can do something like this too lol!

  2. Goodness, what a small piece of cake you put on your plate Emma!!! I would have been going for 3x the size!

    I love this recipe, it is great. I made it once and forgot to add 1 measure of flour and it still worked fine, was just a little more moist than normal!
    I also convert this cake to Gluten Free by subtituting the flour for Simple Baking Mix. Works great.

    And I usually add more cream chese to the icing - but I am a bit naughty like that haha!

  3. It was delicious, although there was quite a lot of cream cheese icing so you could probably get away with half.

  4. It was so delicious, I even took some to work.


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