Sunday, April 24, 2011

Chocolate coconut brownie recipe

Thanks to Lindsay of Passionate Homemaking for sharing this healthy-ish recipe for Coconut brownies. They are quick to whip up and taste truly delicious. Fudgy, chocolatey and dense. Irresistible.

The coconut gives these brownies a unique flavour, and its texture disguises the wholemeal flour bits.

  • 115g (1/2c) butter
  • 1c unrefined sugar, eg. Rapadura, Jaggery, Muscovado
  • 2 eggs (preferably Free Range Organic)
  • 1t vanilla extract (the real stuff, not imitation)
  • 1/3c cocoa
  • 1/2c wholemeal / wholewheat flour (preferably freshly stone-ground)
  • 1/4t unrefined sea salt, eg. Himalayan, Celtic
  • 1t baking powder
  • 1/4c shredded coconut
  • Sprinkle of chocolate chips, optional

1. Preheat oven to 180°C (350°F).

2. Line a 20cm (8-inch) square baking tin with baking paper.

3. Melt butter on a medium heat in a saucepan on the stove.

4. Add rest of ingredients (except chocolate chips), and beat with a mixer to combine.

5. Pour into pre-prepared baking tin and sprinkle chocolate chips over the top.

6. Bake at  180°C  for 25-30 minutes, or until a skewer inserted in the centre comes out clean. Keep an eye on these brownies towards the end, so you don't overcook them.

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