
Monday, August 25, 2014

Chocolate caramel protein shake - Trim Healthy Mama Fuel Pull

This chocolate caramel protein shake recipe is big and super refreshing after a workout. I make it in a large jar and store it in the fridge, so I can pour a glass as desired over the course of a day.

Make it at night and you've got an easy breakfast ready to go for those busy mornings.

I love to use mesquite powder in this recipe, as it gives a taste of caramel in superfood form.

Not familiar with mesquite powder? One Green Planet has done a cool overview of it; here's a quote...
"Mesquite is high in protein, low on the glycemic index, and a good source of soluble fiber, meaning it digests relatively slowly and does not cause spikes in blood sugar. This gluten-free powder is also a good source of calcium, iron, lysine, manganese, zinc, and potassium."
I use mesquite powder like I do other spices, as an accompaniment to sweet things like my Chocolate oatmeal breakfast pudding. You only need a little bit, but it really rounds out the flavour of chocolate goodies, especially helpful when you're trying to make sugar-free versions.

  • 1c almond milk (I either make my own or buy a sugar-free version from the supermarket)
  • 1/2c cottage cheese
  • 3T protein powder (I buy the Evolv Whey Protein Isolate version)
  • 2T cocoa powder
  • 1T Natvia
  • pinch of salt
  • 1t natural vanilla essence
  • 1t mesquite powder (I buy the Lifefoods brand from my local health food shop)
  • 1.5 cups ice
  • 1 cup water

  1. Blend all the ingredients together in a blender or, you can do as I do and blend directly into a large jar using a hand blender. 
  2. Serve in a tall glass, topped with whipped cream if desired.

Makes four servings.

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