
Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Plans for my new garden

I am so happy. Deliriously happy, because all of this is mine and I get to plant things in it...
Our backyard won't look like this for long.
The deck will get framed by long wooden box gardens. 
Raised vege beds will go here, with apple and nashi trees espaliered behind. 

Passionfruit will grow up the trellis.
Feijoa trees will be planted along the fence in the bottom corner.
This will be planted with herbs for easy picking next to our backdoor. 
I'm removing the river stones from this garden so it can be planted with leafy greens. 

In the evenings I've been reading inspiring gardening books like Square Metre Gardening and Fruit Trees in Small Spaces, which have helped me plan out how to make the most of our yard. Baby J and I have been out there with our measuring tapes, measuring up the spaces so I know how much wood we will need to build our raised beds. My amazingly generous brother-in-law is donating the wood to us, which is a huge help.
The kids love having the trampoline next to the deck. 
Someone asked me the other day what style of garden I'm going for. "Edible," I told them. I want to grow as many fruits and vegetables as I can here. 

I guess I'm inspired by the beautiful gardens I saw in Italy, where lemon trees grew next to rosemary bushes and olive trees, edged by natural rocks. The fruit trees were the statement pieces. That's the picture I have in my mind when I think about this space. We will see how it turns out.


  1. Yay! The book i was thinking of is called one magic square. See if your library has it. Also the permaculture home garden. Yay! So happy you have a garden again!

    1. Hey thanks Liz, I've got the book here too, just haven't picked it up yet.

  2. Yay! The book i was thinking of is called one magic square. See if your library has it. Also the permaculture home garden. Yay! So happy you have a garden again!

  3. Love your blog- we have just moved house except ours has a lovely garden filled with trees and flowers- no fruit trees!!! We left behind with our 6 bed roomed house which was too large now we only have 20 year old baby at home and 39 fruit trees. I am busy planning what ones to replace and have already planted some fruit trees. God bless and enjoy, Maree Murphy, Heavenly Herbs

    1. Hi Maree, thanks for commenting. What fruit trees have you planted? It must have been so hard leaving your 39 fruit trees behind! Gosh. I think I would have cried.

  4. Hi Emma, It was hard but as it was an old house and always needing stuff done it was great to move to smaller but more modern house. I have planted lemonade, lemon, blackcurrant, NZ cranberry, fig and grapes. Plan to buy apples, feijoas, plums and Olive soon.I have strawberries, alpine strawberries, rhubarb, veges and lots of herbs- got hubby to make me a new raised bed for veges and garden by fence for herbs when we arrived. Amazing what you can fit in an average size section.

  5. Looking forward to seeing your progress. We are building a house and will have a small yard so I will take some pages out of your book :) Very keen to have an edible garden as you say.


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