
Monday, December 12, 2016

Summer garden photos

This morning at 11.30am I'm catching up with Di from Radio Rhema to give my five tips for preparing your garden so you can leave it for the holidays. Stream the interview here.

In the meantime, take a pictorial stroll around my garden. The slugs haven't destroyed everything, despite their best efforts. I've lost courgettes, peas, beans, basil, carrots, lettuce and more to their insatiable appetites. Seaweed is the best defense I've found, I just need to get more of it.

Despite it all, I'm happy. Everything you see is 100% more than I had last year.


Dahlias and feijoas.

A quick harvest to make the base for a lunchtime salad.

Salad featuring some homegrown goodies, plus a green berry smoothie.


Kale to feed my kale chip addiction, plus many lettuces gone to seed.

Spinach, kale and beetroot.

Spinach, peas, beans, cucumber and a solitary courgette protected from slugs by seaweed. 

A self-seeded tomato that's taller than me.

Many tomatoes in various stages - the slugs have left them alone at least.

1 comment:

  1. Looks great Emma! Slugs are a pain. They haven't been a problem in my garden for a while but I remember when I couldn't plant any seedlings. Have fun on the radio!


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